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Old dough has been fermented at low temperature over a long period of time. When we make bread, we add this to improve both the aroma and texture. 老種是長時間低溫發酵的麵團。做麵包時,加進去可以令麵包的風味及味道更加好 |
Basic Level 初級 |
Thoughtfully cut into 4 mins (from 15 mins actual production time) 濃縮為約4分鐘的短片 (敘述15分鐘的製作過程) |
Cantonese Narration by Sarah Yam, Chinese and English Subtitle 導師 Sarah Yam 廣東話聲音導航,中英文字幕 |
Easy-to-follow recipe in printer-friendly PDF with all steps and time mark 可供打印的PDF詳細食譜配有影片的時刻 |
2-year unlimited online access upon login 2年內隨時隨地網上登入重播,在家密密練習 |
Scroll down for full version after purchase 購買後拉下觀看完整版本 |